These is Me


Rose + Rusli is where it begin. I was obsses with flower but it show none of my identity so, I add my father name and
carry it as my name in social media. I wish Ruse will continue to be known by people.


Assalamualaikum, I am Nur Dayana. I don't talk alot but my other self did it so well. My friend from high school
and primary school often call me dayana or dayan. But don't ever underestimate me. I am the mastermind.


When i move to MRSM Taiping for my upper form in high school. I want to use different name because
i want to start coloring myself. I came up with Qiy just for no reason. It simple and fun to be call or hear. I feel free explore everything as Qiy.


I get use to it. Get used to have different nickname when i move to new place. My university life start during pandamic.
Honestly, it not so bad when exam become online. D is simple initial from Dayana. It just make sense.
I love when my close friend call it D but others they call me Dee.


I start learning Korean through English. I take the English word and translate it into Korean.
Anna is the middle between English and Korean. I am the most efficent when it come to those 2.
Malay for anna bit weird and the world i live mostly at clubhouse and miraegall instagram.

Mirae 미래

At first i thought Mirae means rain in Korean, but when i start learn in deep i knew it mean future.
i love it even more. I feel it suit me well. It is my korean name. Kim Mirae. Where i got the kim?
just because sometimes i go by choi because im the 최 of myself. Anna is my roomate we share pretty much same space.
I can speak korean with TOPIK level 3 but don't expect me to be that good.

Melati/ Merida

They used to be part of me in term of and having chance to freely talk or socialize
but now i use melati to buy starbuck or any food require name because it is easy for malay to spell it on the cup.
Dayana and melati pretty much the same. But instead of dayana they spell diana, diyana, yes. it's bothering.
Merida used to help with English but since Anna came,she lost in memory. Even my MUET result are so so because she left.

Who did you met?

Well actually it does not matter, who you are or how you met or know me because it actually depend on myself to consider who you are in my memory.
If you call me "Hi Qiy!" I know you are my high school friends in MRSM TPG. If you call me "D!!" you are my university friends.
Even you call me ruse but you are my university friends, trust me you are talking to D not ruse.
If you know Anna but after surfing this web you know about ruse,mirae,dayana, I cannot lie,
i will always be Anna to you. I am glad no matter which of myself you met i got the best,kind,and enjoyable friends online and offline.